Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Letter- March 23,2010

A tour walked in and so we gave it and i got to the end where it talks about the Book of Mormon stories and i usually bear my testimony at that point and when I got there I paused while bearing my testimony and just was overwhelmed with emotion and I had this burning feeling come over me. The people on the tour were a family two parents and young girl about to go on mission and I said I love being a missionary. This book is true. My lip was trembling so much ha- ha and I just poured out my soul to them and the mom and girl were in tears and i said love this time with your family because it will be shortly gone before you will not have them with you but there is nothing like teaching people about this book. Most Amazing feeling when the spirit literally speaks through you. That’s how i feel. I’m brought to tears just thinking about the power of this gospel and how i get to share it with people and how much out Savior has done for us and i owe everything to him. My whole life. I’m truly starting to get comfortable with this work, its special but i know the lord guides me in all i do and I'm so thankful for him. I could go on forever! Sorry that was churchy coming out of me!! ha ha ha okay i love you have an amazing week! I love you love, your missionary Kiersten! kisses!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


I am happy here but i miss you guys so much, But when i feel like things are hard i think of the life these people I'm teaching have. I'm so blessed. These people have Nothing some of them and are addicted to all kinds of things and have no love at home and no support in life and NO GOSPEL! I cant believe Heavenly FaTHER has given us so much! Honestly. We are healthy, have so much love and support from each other, food at every meal, and have the blessing of the gospel in our lives.

So Monday we were out tracting and we got let in!!! My first time someone let us in and i sure bore testimony as strongly as i could! We had another meeting with this younger lady...but she ditched us. That was very upsetting! I was praying and preparing and trying so hard to have the spirit with me all week so we could teach with power and then NO! She was not there!!! So sad. I will not give up on her though i will tract her down! ha ha!

-Sister Morrison